Postpartum Care

Congratulations on becoming a parent! With your baby now born we will remain with you for about 2-4 hours, providing care, information and support. Over the next 6 weeks, midwives will ensure you’re recovering well, both physically and emotionally, as we know this is one of life’s most challenging transitions. 

For hospital births, you have the option to stay in the hospital for up to 28 hours (to complete newborn tests), or to go home following the birth. For in-home births, postnatal instructions are given to you prior to your midwife leaving. If any concerns arise, remember we are available by pager, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

During the first week postpartum, a midwife will visit you at your location (home or hospital).  Following this first week, your appointments will be conducted in the clinic up to six weeks postpartum. These appointments are also where we offer newborn medications, and arrange newborn screening tests. This is also where you will have the opportunity to express your feelings about your transition to parenting, including your birth experience and how you’re coping with the newborn.

During the first 6 weeks, we can also help identify and refer to other care providers whose support you may require.  Some examples include:

  • Lactation consultants
  • Mental health teams
  • Healthy Babies, Healthy Children programs offered by Public Health
  • Pelvic floor physiotherapists
  • Obstetrician
  • Pediatricians

Updates about your pregnancy, birth and postpartum will be provided to the ongoing care providers for you and your newborn, once our 5-6wk discharge appointment is completed.

It’s amazing how quickly the 6 weeks after the birth of your baby will go and sometimes it’s hard to say goodbye to your midwives. You can keep in touch by ‘liking’ our Facebook page or following us on Instagram and remaining subscribed to our mailing list. You will be notified about our annual reunion picnic and about community activities that you may wish to be involved with.

You are always welcome to provide feedback to us.  At the 6-week discharge visit, we will give you a client satisfaction form that you can fill out.  We appreciate knowing how we did or how we can do better.  You can fill out a paper form in our office or email it to us at